St Mark's CE Primary School


Welcome to St Mark's CE Primary School




This is what the Government have published at the current time.

From Tuesday 22nd February 

  • Routine twice-weekly asymptomatic testing for staff and pupils over the age of 11 in mainstream provision should now cease.
  • Routine twice-weekly asymptomatic testing for staff and pupils over the age of 11 in in SEND settings, alternative provision settings, and SEND units within mainstream settings should continue

From Thursday 24th February

  • You will not be legally required to self-isolate if you test positive for COVID-19. You should stay at home if you can and avoid contact with other people. It is good public health practice to say at home if you are unwell with Covid or any other respiratory illness.
  • You will not have to take daily tests or be legally required to self-isolate following contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

Until 31st March

  • If you have any COVID-19 symptoms you should avoid contact with others and order a PCR test. If you test positive, stay at home and avoid contact with other people.

What does the change in Guidance however mean for us at St Mark's?


Our NUMBER ONE priority remains the safety and well being of all members of the St Mark’s Primary School community. 

We continue to ask for your support with this at the current time. You can find the government's guidance on what to do if you test positive for COVID  here.

Preventative and Supportive Measures

  • We will still be encouraging using sanitiser and handwashing.
  • Masks are still able to be worn.
  • We are still planning activities and events with a Covid thought.
  • We will still be encouraging anyone displaying symptoms to not be in school and seek a test.

What we won’t be doing?

  • We are not expecting children or staff to test regularly.
  • You don’t need to LFT test and shouldn’t really LFT test for up to 3 months after you have Covid as this is how long medically you are advised you may still have it in your system.
  • We will not be giving out LFT test kits.
  • We won’t be telling you who has Covid in the school or your child’s class.

What happens if my child is unwell (with the recognised symptoms) or get Covid?

  • Take a test- either LFT or PCR.
  • Inform the school.

What happens if I have Covid- how long will I have to be off?

There is no legal requirement to self-isolate if you test positive however at St Mark’swe are asking all parents to consider the safety and well-being of all members of the school community and therefore we are asking everyone to:

  • Contact the school and inform us that your child has Covid and how you know this (LFT or PCR)
  • Not come into school as you have an infectious disease

When can I return?

The recommended period to be kept away from school:

  • Atleast 5 days- only returning if they are feeling well enough.
  • Or within 10 days.

So, in simple terms we are asking you to keep them off for 5 days but they can return after that if they are well. You can choose to keep them home if they are positive on a LFT on Day 6/7/8/9/10.

How will this be recorded?

We will be logging Covid as the reason given if we are provided with the information sent to you when registering the test results (if LFT) or sent to you following a PCR test.

If you do not provide this information then with all absence this will just be logged as illness and the symptoms or information you give us.



The main symptoms of coronavirus are:

  • a high temperature– this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
  • a new, continuous cough– this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste– this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

Most people with coronavirus have at least 1 of these symptoms.


If you have any of the main symptoms of coronavirus:

  1. Get a PCR test to check if you have coronavirus as soon as possible. 
  2. Use of LFT test to check if you have coronavirus.







The drop off arrangements will remain the same wand you need to drop your child/ren off at the gates between 8.40am and 8.50am GATES CLOSE AT 8.50am.  Help your child to have a smooth start to the day, by ensuring they are on time.  We ask that you continue to wear a face mask at drop off and collection. Please see poster above with details.


It was great to see that some of our families accessed the Pelican Parcels packages. It's not too late, if you want to order your FREE school uniform and shoes. Please speak with Mrs Sellins or email, if you want to stock up on essentials!  You can see our uniform checklist here and these can also be ordered on line through Sussex Uniforms here.


On PE day we will continue to ask children to wear their PE to school on this day.   Your child's teacher will be letting you know the class timetable in the Class Information newsletter by 10th September.


Breakfast Club will continue as usual, please email the office on for further details.  We are delighted to be teaming up with Clubs Complete to provide after school clubs.  Please book your places here.  These will start w/c 27th September.  In the meantime,  there is information on the Brighton and Hove Family Information Service for other wraparound care providers.


We will continue to work extremely hard to ensure that we can keep everyone safe when we return to school. As has been seen during the summer at a range of "events" once you get a large group of people together there is an increase in Covid cases.

Please see the attached Public Health Flowchart.

And our guide to absence here.


We will be undertaking a range of measures to keep everyone safe including:

  • enhanced handwashing
  • timetables will still be in place to try to keep children socially distanced where possible
  • continued high levels of cleaning
  • anyone showing symptoms will sent home or not allowed on school premises
  • facemasks will be available to worn in school and in areas where there are large groups
  • large group activities will be slowly introduced back
  • staff will continue to LFT twice a week

You can find our Risk assessment here.

BUBBLES – these are no longer deemed necessary, however we will continue to move sensibly and safely towards this. Playtimes and lunchtimes will continue to be staggered.

WORSHIP –Assemblies will take place in the hall, and streamed via GC. They will be attended by Key Stages in the first instance. With KS2 in the hall, and KS1 (FS) accessing via Google Classrooms. This will be reviewed and alternated at half term. Thursday Worship will be Musical Reflection and class based. SDI must take place during Worship slots.

VENTILATION - this is crucial and windows must be opened/no need to freeze/areas can be purged at relevant times eg playtime/lunchtime. We will be receiving CO2 monitors.

CLEANING –twice per day.

HAND HYGIENE –continue with hand washing/sanitising routines.

CATCH IT-BIN IT-KILL IT – continue to use ebug website for resources.

PPE- we ask that masks are worn when moving around the school and working with visiting staff. We will request parents/carers continue to do so at drop off/collection.

When an individual develops COVID-19 symptoms or has a positive test

Pupils, staff and other adults should follow public health advice on when to self-isolate and what to do. They should not come into school if they have symptoms, have had a positive test result or other reasons requiring them to stay at home due to the risk of them passing on COVID-19 (for example, they are required to quarantine).

See our Contingency Plan here. And the Public Health England guidelines here.

Confirmatory PCR tests

Staff and pupils with a positive LFD test result should self-isolate in line with the stay at home guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection. They will also need to get a free PCR test to check if they have COVID-19.



Click here to see our guide to how we are keeping you safe during COVID-19.  It contains details on how we have prepared the school, and how we can help you and your family during this time.

 What do I do if my child is unwell?

We expect all of the children to be in school. If your child is unwell, please follow the guidance hereYou can also find our FAQ information for a quick reference guide here.

 Drop off and Collection Arrangements

We ask that you leave the drop off and collection points as soon as you have dropped off, or picked up your children, to limit congestion.  Remember gates are open between 8.40am and 8.50am.  

Mrs Fendley and Miss Moulson will be at the gates to ensure the children arrive and leave safely.  If you have any messages for teachers, or wish to speak with a member of staff,  Mrs Sellins is available on the South Gate.

 Please see our message to visitors here.

If you have any questions, please email

 You can find the latest statement from the Local Authority here.

Travelling to school

We encourage our community to walk, or cycle to school whenever possible.  We advise against car sharing. If you must use public transport, please see the latest guidance from Brighton and Hove Buses here.

Is the school open?

The government has said children and young people in all year groups should return to school full-time from the beginning of the autumn term. St Mark's is OPEN.

You can see the DFE's most current information and guidance here.

We will be updating this information as we receive updates from the government. Please see our most recent communication to parents/carers in the file list below.

How can I explain the situation to my children?

Please look at this social story which explains the Coronavirus to children in a clear and simple way:

There is useful guidance here on how to explain the Coronavirus to children with autism:

and here

Follow this link, for Coronavirus information translated in to different languages:


Where can I access food banks?

East Brighton Food Co-operative : Call 01273 885068 if you or someone you know needs a freshly cooked meal, 7 days a week. Or a food parcel delivered (Thursdays).

The Brighton Table Tennis Club, The Fitzherbert's Centre | 36 Upper Bedford Street | Brighton | BN2 1JP. Info is here - People can just turn up between 1-4pm 7 days a week to the carpark from St George's Terrace. Or if they want delivery they can email or call the club 01273 670145 when the club is open.

See this flyer for further information. 

How can I help my child with their learning at home if their bubble is closed?

Follow this link to find out about how we are supporting learning o our school website, here.

How can I keep my child safe on line?

This page has been created by CEOP to support parents during COVID-19 and the closure of schools. Each fortnight, we will be releasing new home activity packs with simple 15 minute activities you can do with your child to support their online safety at a time when they will spending more time online at home.

How can I contact the school?

You can email your child's teacher on the class email address eg . Mrs Fendley and Miss Moulson also access these accounts. or the school office .  If you need help, you can also contact Mrs Sellins on

The school office is manned during school time: 01273 605588.

How can I manage my family’s worries?
We are aware that pupils / students are feeling understandably anxious about coronavirus.  As parents and carers you may want to repeat the messages above and support your child to
manage any difficult feelings. If your child is struggling with anxiety about this or other things you may  find these links helpful:
This website provides helpful information to support adult wellbeing:

What if I have other worries if the school is closed?
If you are worried about your child’s mental health and wellbeing, please contact the Primary Mental Health Worker on 01273 293331 or CAMHS 0300 304 0061 or go direct to GP or A&E
Brighton and Hove Wellbeing Service
If you are worried about a child’s safety call Front Door For Families on 01273 290400
If you are worried about your own wellbeing, contact The Samaritans on 116 123
Children who are worried can call Childline on 0800 1111
If you are having financial difficulties and in need of food, there is the local food bank or call 07941 397648 or
If your child has SEND and you are worried, contact AMAZE:
If you are already working with other services, please keep them informed of your situation eg social workers, health visitors and school nurses. They will all be happy to help.

If you are suffering domestic abuse, please go to the Rise website:  or call 999

 If you need support you can still call the RISE helpline 9-5 Mon-Fri on 01273 622 828. Out of hours please call the 24-hour National Domestic abuse helpline on 0808 2000247. You are not alone 

We have also updated our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy to ensure this remains a top priority throughout this time.  This can be seen here.

The school nurse service is able to offer advice during school closure please see attached information here and text 07480 635423  if you need their help.