St Mark's CE Primary School


Welcome to St Mark's CE Primary School

Who We Are - Governor Profiles

Christine Bartley

I have more than 15 years’ experience as a governor of a primary school and was Chair of St Andrew’s C of E primary school in Hove for 8 years.
I am a Local Leader of Governance in Brighton and Hove. I have a background in policy development and I am currently Head of Finance in an IT company.
I am Chair of the Admissions Committee.

Sophie Brinkworth - Co-chair

I joined the St Marks governing body in February 2018 as parent governor; I have one daughter in school and I and currently co-chair alongside Amanda Healey. I originally come from South Wales but have lived in Brighton for over 15 years now. I work as an audiologist in NHS children’s services and also provide audiology support at a local specialist school for deaf children and young people. 

Jane Fendley - Headteacher

Pen portrait to follow

Amanda Healey

I have been a Foundation Governor at St Mark’s since September 2017 and am currently Co-Chair. I also have responsibility for safeguarding.
I studied French and Norwegian at university, then trained as a primary school teacher at the University of Sussex. I taught in primary schools in Sussex for over 30 years, the last 19 as a headteacher. I took early retirement, but still teach French and am a volunteer at the charity Into University where I support primary school pupils from across the city. I enjoy travelling and am involved in several local music groups. I come into St Mark’s regularly to help with trips and other activities.

Archdeacon Martin Lloyd Williams

Pen portrait to follow

Kate Newman

I have been a Foundation Governor at St Mark’s since December 2020. I have been a secondary school teacher for sixteen years and have held various roles in schools during this time,  including being an Assistant Head Teacher and a Head of Middle school. I am currently a part-time teacher of History. I am originally from London but have taught in Brighton and Hove for fourteen years, at Blatchington Mill and now at Roedean.

Allistare Smedley

Pen portrait to follow

Brian Ward

I am the staff governor at St Mark’s. In the summer of 2019 I retired from teaching after 25 years in the profession, the last six years of which were spent at St Mark's. Fortunately, I was able to stay on as a teaching assistant, and also organise PE in the school, a position I really enjoy.
I am currently the Pupil Premium link Governor.

Sebastian Dawson- Bowling

Pen Portrait and photo to follow

Ruth Ali - Clerk to the Governors

I joined St Mark's in September 2019, but have been clerking since 2009 and currently work for three other schools in the city. My role is different from that of the governors in that I am there to assist the governors with administrative tasks, advise them on procedural matters and help ensure that they fulfil their statutory responsibilities.