St Mark's CE Primary School


Welcome to St Mark's CE Primary School

BiBi's Blog

At the start of the summer term 2018, we welcomed the latest addition to the St Mark's family - our school dog, BiBi.

BiBi is a rescue dog, from the RSPCA in Brighton.  She started  life as a street dog in Portugal, where she had not been treated very well.

She is also Mrs Fendley's family dog, and joins her at work in her office every day. Our site manager made BiBI her very own deluxe kennel and she is now very much at home!

It has been magical to watch BiBi grow in confidence every day.  Although she is still very nervous of new adults, she loves spending time with the children, and has a very sweet nature-comforting them if they look sad, and listening to their reading.

When children are chosen as Stars of the Week, they get to take BiBi out on the school field and spend some fun time with her! BiBi loves this time, and as one boy said during his recent turn, when we were talking about how much she has grown in confidence, "She knows she is part of the St Mark's family now!"

BiBi has busy days, hearing children read, playing with children at lunchtime, teaching the children the importance of patience and how to care for animals. We will also have BiBi to help us teach about dental care and being gentle and caring.